Dataset composed of five different countries (BRA appears as both exporter and importer).
A dummy dataset to illustrate the final size of the base after expansion.
a dataframe object contains the five variables passed as parameters to the get_zerotradeflow() function (year, exporter, importer, item, trade) including the bilateral trade flow equal to zero.
A dataset cosisting of three years, three exporting countries, three importing countries, three Harmonized System code and value of exports (all data is fictitious). The data includes the following fields:
* ano - Numeric. Year in which exports were carried out
* ido - String. ISO code corresponding to the exporting country
* idd - String. ISO code corresponding to the importing country
* HS4 - Numeric. HS4 code corresponding to the merchandise sold
* comercio - Numeric. Dollar value of exports
# On the other hand, in the same.rda base, Brazil (BRA) appears as both an
# exporter and an importer and, in this case, when expanding the base, there
# are 72 observations as a result.
# \donttest{
sameflow <- get_zerotradeflow(same, ano, ido, idd, HS4, comercio)
# }