The dataset with information on the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the five regions of Brazil
Daily information about the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Brazil's regions
Ministerio da Saude - Sistema Unico de Saude (SUS) website
The dataset contains the daily summary of the Coronavirus pandemic cases in Brazil's regions. The data includes the following fields:
* region - String. Indicates the regions coverage (Centro-Oeste, Nordeste, Norte, Sudeste, Sul)
* date - Date. Ocurrence notification date
* epidWeek - Numeric. Epidemiological week of ocurrence by notification date
* population - Numeric. Population of the size, of each region, on the date of notification of the ocurrence
* accumCases - Numeric. Cumulative cases of COVID-19 by notification date
* newCases - Numeric. Number of new COVID-19 cases by notification date
* accumDeaths - Numeric. Accumulated COVID-19 deaths by notification date
* newDeaths - Numeric. Number of new COVID-19 deaths by notification date
data (brazil_region)